Twice a year (Spring and Fall) a meeting is held, to which all are invited, for the purpose of worshipping God and sharing fellowship with other believers. Over the span of (usually) one to two days, the congregation hears a series of sermons, usually between seven and ten in total. The Gathering is very informal; speakers are not scheduled before the first day of the Gathering and are chosen from the preachers in attendance; usually no preacher brings more than one or two sermons. The Holy Spirit guides the preachers in their choice of texts and subject matter and ensures the continuity of sermons by so many different preachers. Churches volunteer to host a specific Gathering and provide the worship facility and meals for all attendees.

The most recent Gathering was held at Goshen Primitive Baptist Church, Wilton, MO on March 19-21, 2024. Since the October 2022 Gathering, most of the sermons from the various Gatherings are being provided on this website, as detailed below. Regrettably, due to technical difficulties the sermons from the October 2023 Gathering are not available. To hear a particular sermon, in the Content Navigation menu to the right, choose Archives and the year and month in which the sermon was posted.

The next Gathering will be held, Lord willing, October 25-26, 2024 at Ozark Primitive Baptist Church, Ozark, AL. If you hunger for Spirit-filled preaching and worship, you are cordially invited to attend a Gathering of Saints.

Mar 2024 Gathering of Saints – Sermons by all preachers (Date refers to the date when the sermon was/will be posted on this website.)

Date Preacher Text Subject Preacher’s Church Home
4/7/24 Elder Aaron Beaty 1 Peter 2:9 What It Means to Be a Saint Goshen PBC
4/8/24 Elder Selba Beaty Psalm 2:1-12 A Prophetic Psalm Shiloh PBC, Elkmont, AL
4/9/24 Elder Craig Capmbell Philippians 4:6-7 Worry about Nothing; Pray about Everything Retired; available for supply; member, Goshen PBC
4/10/24 Elder Selba Beaty Matthew 16:13-28 Bear Your Cross; Follow Jesus Shiloh PBC, Elkmont, AL
5/13/24 Elder Craig Campbell 1 Corinthians 15:12-20 Resurrection Power: Life Now and Forever Retired; available for supply; member, Goshen PBC
4/11/24 Elder Greg Phillips Ruth 1:12-18 The Love between Christ and the Church Fairview PBC, Chattanooga, TN
4/12/24 Elder Greg Phillips Matthew 21:18-22 Repentance and Dedication Fairview PBC, Chattanooga, TN

The sermons from the October 2023 Gathering are all unavailable due to technical difficulties.

Mar 2023 Gathering of Saints – Sermons by all preachers (Date refers to the date when the sermon was posted on this website.)

Date Preacher Text Subject Preacher’s Church Home
3/26/23 Elder Greg Phillips Joshua 1:1-11 Take Hold of Your Possession Fairview PBC
3/27/23 Elder Lee Price Exodus 26:1 Linen Available for supply; Flint River PBC
3/28/23 Elder Selba Beaty Psalm 50:1-23 Requirements for Living Free Shiloh PBC, Elkmont, AL
3/29/23 Elder Matthew Johnson Proverbs 3:1-6 Trust God Only and Follow Him Macedonia PBC, Ider, AL
3/30/23 Elder Don Gilbert Genesis 5:21-32 Noah’s Life, Our Example Grace Chapel PBC, Meridianville, AL
NA Elder Terry Barnard Not available due to technical difficulties Thomasville GA PBC

Oct 2022 Gathering of Saints – Sermons by all preachers (Date refers to the date when the sermon was posted on this website.)

Date Preacher Text Subject Preacher’s Church Home
1/1/23 Elder Edward McIntyre Luke 14:12-24 That My House May Be Filled Frank PBC
1/2/23 Elder Clarke Lee Matthew 28:18-20 Teach Them to Keep My Commandments Mars Hill PBC, Hoboken, GA
1/3/23 Elder Ben Nessmith Lamentations 3:21-26 Great Is God’s Faithfulness Metter GA PBC
1/4/23 Elder Jason Deal Exodus 14:13-14 The Lord Shall Fight for You Comfort Chapel PBC, Waycross, GA
N/A Elder Mike DeVane Not available due to technical difficulties Sturgeon Creek PBC, Fitzgerald, GA
1/5/23 Elder Terry Barnard Luke 15:8-10 The Missing Piece Thomasville GA PBC
1/6/23 Elder Larry Wheeler John 17:20-24 Christ’s Prayer for His Church Ozark AL PBC
1/7/23 Elder Lee Price Daniel 2:37-45 The Fifth Kingdom, the Kingdom of God Flint River PBC

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